Copyright Policy

Copyright Policy

The rules of the use of the Ministry of Culture site and apply to all visitors and users of the site. It may stop and / or prevent and / or terminate the use of the site in the event of a violation by one of the users, or if there is reason to believe that a user has violated the rules violated the terms and conditions of use. Users are prohibited and a violation or attempt to violate the procedures and rules in place to protect the site, for example, but not limited to the following acts:

  • Access to data that are not intended to be provided to the user, or logging into a server or Abarh account for the user logged on to send e-mails undesirable to the site, including propaganda operations, or advertise products or services; or falsification of any address to control protocol package Send / IP or any part of the address information Fiji or send email newsletters groups

  • The use of the Ministry of Culture site in any way to send e-mail or any matters Menhoo on his behalf or by referring to him or spoof named or described involving the abuse and Owaltshahyr Zarhalthagavh, or location, or to any person whatsoever. Or the announcement of the news or incorrect information

  • The violation of the rules of use and violation of the system and the network displays the violator to civil and criminal liability. It will be directly investigated in cases Qdtntoa on such irregularities and violations and to prosecute the offending Vihaqdhaiaa.

  • The Ministry of Culture is responsible under any circumstances for any direct or indirect, incidental or accessory, special or extraordinary, perhaps arising from the use, or inability to use this site.